
Our People


Lead, Corporate Communications and Business Development

  • • A chartered accountant and member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, Nigeria. His professional and occupational experience cover audit and taxation practice, public offer and private placement work and management consulting engagements. His industrial experience covers brewing and beverages, real estate, oil and gas, banking and finance, postal services, automobile distributorship, power, manufacturing, communications, medical services, pharmaceuticals, marine agriculture, and agro farming.
  • Mr. Mbelu is a versatile trainer, able to design and deliver HR development courses in management, accountancy of computer-based productivity tools.
  • He has significant capability with the written word and an accomplished speech writer
  • He is an accomplished client relationship strategist.

  • His experience includes work was the general manager of an IT services company where he also headed the business development function of the firm, leading all marketing presentations. He was deputy head of the core team that transformed the company to a top it services company within 3 years.

    Other Skills
  • Presenter of papers at management seminars
  • Trainer on accounting for non-accountants
  • Trainer on use of the full range of MS Productivity software, Operating Systems and Utilities
  • Business writing
  • Website Content Management